Forward Progress has been working closely with NACTO to engage the transportation community on emerging best practices in Complete Streets planning and design guidance. Larry has been collaborating with NACTO on emerging trends since Mr. Marcus’ tenure as Arlington County, Virginia Transportation Engineering & Operations Bureau Chief.
NACTO selected Forward Progress, LLC to create / moderate NACTO’s 2020 Designing Cities Workshop session entitled “Curbing Carbon Emissions: Realizing Sustainability Goals with Progressive Curbside Management”. Forward Progress led the creation of all content, secured industry leaders as speakers, and facilitated the workshop (including breakout groups).
This workshop aimed to help cities improve their curbside management practices, with a focus on the environment and urban sustainability. Participants learned how cities can most efficiently allocate and measure performance of valuable curb space to build a successful, sustainable curbside management program. With shared micromobility and commercial docking competing with private parking at the curb, cities have the opportunity to redefine their curbside priorities, and with it the direction of climate action on their streets.
The NACTO curbside management virtual workshop included a self-assessment survey for participants to evaluate their jurisdiction’s parking / curbside management program. This survey was tailored from the Forward Progress tool for jurisdictions to understand the maturity of their program, from traditional parking to progressive curbside management, based on an assessment of the organization, technology applications, policies, prioritization methods, and inventory / asset management capabilities. The assessment emphasized sustainability goals to align with the workshop’s learning objectives.