Our WOrk
Below are examples of active and recent projects
GWU & Forward Progress
Forward Progress has partnered with the GWU Geography Department to teach students a variety of skills to plan and implement Complete Streets in a vibrant urban community!
ITE & Forward Progress
For the last 15 years, Forward Progress’s Founder has been a member of ITE’s Transportation Planning and Complete Streets Councils’ Executive Committees, Chairing the Transportation Planning Council 2014-2016 and then the Complete Streets Council from 2018-2020. During that time, Mr. Marcus oversaw the development and publication of several industry best practice guidance documents. Mr. Marcus was also appointed to various task forces and ITE initiatives, such as the ITE Vision Zero Task Force. He continues to be an active member of the Complete Streets Council Executive Committee.
NACTO & Forward Progress
Forward Progress has been working closely with NACTO to engage the transportation community on emerging best practices in Complete Streets planning and design guidance. Larry has been collaborating with NACTO on emerging trends since Mr. Marcus’ tenure as Arlington County, Virginia Transportation Engineering & Operations Bureau Chief.
Southern California Association of Governments & FP
The primary purpose of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Curb Space Management Study (CSMS) is to take a comprehensive and multimodal review of some of the most congested and complicated curb space locations within southern California. Forward Progress supports SCAG and the consultant team by leading peer-to-peer exchanges, developing targeted regional and city improvement strategies, and applying the FP Curbside Management Program Self Assessment Tool.
Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Sustainable Communities Program & FP
FP is part of IBI’s consultant team launching SCAG’s second curb space management study: Curb Space Data Collection & Inventory Study. FP will continue to lead a series of peer-to-peer exchanges for the participating SCAG cities, discussing ways to move forward from a traditional parking program to a progressive curbside management program. The forums will include southern California officials and experts from across North America, sharing experiences and lessons learned with the SCAG cities.