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The Curbside Management Program
Self Assessment tool

How it works

The Forward Progress self-assessment tool uses a Capability Maturity Model (CMM) approach to benchmark a jurisdiction’s program status as well as map a path forward to a proactive, progressive, sustainable curbside management program.


A jurisdiction can assess its program by simply taking a survey. The more jurisdiction participants that take the survey, the better the understanding of the program status and desired needs for improvement. 


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For each category, an organization's capability level is self-evaluated on salient elements that comprise a progressive curbside management program. This is an opportunity to identify where an organization would like to be.

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4. Progressive Approach

A program that has progressed with the changing demands at the curb, possesses organization, measures, leadership, technology, inventory, and a vision for the future.

5 capability levels:

Traditional parking authority / division approach, organization, resources.

5. World Class and Advancing

Consistently evolving / preparing proactively for future demands, applying the latest technologies, collaborates with other internal and external stakeholders, possesses the latest tools to manage and analyze curbside (furnishing zone of sidewalk, curb space, curb running modal priority lanes) assets.

1. No Program

No program resources to address the curbside element

3. Some Progressive Elements

Program has taken steps to address curbside challenges in a progressive manner as defined by each element.

A city with some progressie curbside management elements strives to balance parking revenue and utilization with accommodating transit demand at the curb. These cities maintain safety requirements and provide accessible parking spaces. 

Ready to move your city forward?


The FP Curbside Management Self-Assessment Survey is the first step towards advancing your city's desired curbside management program.


How to begin:



Ask us! Also, feel free to seek insight on other programs via our Peer-to-Peer Exchange 

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