4.Develop a Curbside Prioritization Process
Understand the Jurisdiction-wide Values When Allocating the Curb Space Realm
Why? Progressive cities prioritize the three portions of the street right-of-way representing curb space (listed above) based on Street Type and modal priority (when designated). When right-of-way is limited, it is critical that a city prioritizes adequate sidewalk space, on-street parking, commercial loading, on-street bicycle / micromobility facilities, and transit priority lanes based on the street’s function and purpose in the community.
Here’s a world class example of how to ensure modal priorities are considered when allocating curb space: Baltimore Complete Streets Manual
1. Identify City/County Priorities
Identify Relevant Comprehensive Plan Vision, Goals
Fulfill the Vision of the County’s Comprehensive Plan
Link Curbside Parking Management to the County’s overall multi-modal travel initiatives
Encourage Transit Use to Transit Oriented Developments
Address Overparking, Commuter Parking, and Long-Term Parking on Public Streets in Commercial and Mixed-Use Zones of New Development
Alleviate Congestion from Motorists Searching for On-Street Parking
Discourage Double-Parking in Travel Lanes and Bike Lanes along New Development Blocks
Where Appropriate and Warranted, Manage Curbside Parking for Metro Commuters
Establish Curbside Guiding Principles
Safety First
Ensure Accessible Space Compliance with the Latest Federal Requirements
Locate Transit Stops / Shelters in Safe & Convenient Places
Reserve Space for Micromobility Curb Needs (Corals, Stations, Etc.), Complementing Street and Building Operations
Modal Priority of Street
Coordinate VDOT Capability Needs
Identify Flex Space / PUDO / Short-term Loading
Manage Parking: Proximity to Metrorail Station
2. Tailor Priorities to the Street Function & Community Context
Street typologies include:
Major Arterial Street / Boulevard
Street context:
Commercial / Retail
Modal Priority Street
Identify Street Typology
Identify Guiding Principles / Priority Uses for Each Street Type
Example: Tysons Urban Design Guidelines
Table 5: Lane Width and On-Street Parking
Street typologies include:
Major Arterial Street / Boulevard
3. Implement Process & Measure Success
How to Guide, GIS Based Layering Process
Design reflects land use context and street function
Street priorities convey to macro curb priorities
Micro land use directs available curb space
Tenant Survey: Property Manager (Residential), Business Owner
Example: Understand the Mobility Performance at the Curb
Link Progressive Performance Measures to GPs